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+44 20 7565 0909

9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday to Friday


What is post-production editing?

Editing is the process of manipulating and rearranging video shots to create a new work and is usually considered to be one part of the post production process — other post-production tasks include titling, colour correction, sound mixing, etc. We regularly assist in the editing of programmes for English and non-English broadcasters in all our language combinations.


Our linguists provide language support to editors, editing adverts and videos, making sure that:

  • the speech is not cut off half way through a sentence
  • check the soundbites are not mumbled

How do we operate?

Send an email to us explaining:

  • which language(s) your project speaks
  • the type of project (advertisement campaign, video presentation, conference recording etc)
  • day, time and venue of the editing project

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